The Agenda

Mainstream Summit 20 March 2024 Esplanade Fremantle, Perth


Panel Discussion
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All Your Data in One Pane of Glass

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One of the most impacted industries during Covid, was the Airline industry.

Bringing multiple data sources into one single view and pane of glass to make informed and smarter decisions, was vital to change the maintenance program – and bring aircraft back online after long term groundings and storage. Airlines needed to look at over a year's worth of data to ensure that the aircraft were safe while minimising any potential surprises.

The was also a need to improve work scope to maximize capability, helping to cope with losing skills and an aging workforce, post-COVID, that is almost impossible to replace at the same rate.  New skillsets were created in the team to extract value from this data, combining data analytics and practical knowledge of the systems. Bringing this all together brought success to predictive maintenance and defect management teams.

Combining data sources of sensors, maintenance information data, in-flight alerting, spare parts type provisioning, and other general IP into an accumulated data centralised capability speeds up the research activity. This effectively aggregates the data, bringing it into a common format or common location.

Hear how these systems (often SAAS) result in much more varied data sources, reducing the specialist capabilities and coding capabilities required.  They also don’t need to be implemented across all the infrastructure across the business.

Benefits are being better at maintenance activity, continually improving our maintenance program to lower the cost of maintaining the asset, maximizing yield, improving safety and minimizing disruption.

  • There is no perfect tool – just start the journey and your use of the tools will evolve.
  • Extracting the data away from the original source allows great manipulation.
  • Understand that technology is accelerating at a rate faster than most of our assets
  • You have to develop the skills within your team to make smarter decisions.

Asset Data Management and Utilisation

Managing Data Collection

Inadequate Alignment of Safety, Risk management, and Asset Maintenance Plans.

Inadequate Alignment of Safety

David Kelly
David Kelly

Manager QE Business Technology and eEnablement


All Your Data in One Pane of Glass
Psychological Safety to Build Trust and Influence Cultural Change

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Each year we run our Aurizon People Insights Survey. Last year’s showed that our people were feeling less energised, lacked clarity as to how they linked to the business strategy, and that they felt they were not able to share opinions without fear of retaliation. As a leadership team, we created annual people plans to address the poor morale, low accountability, lack of clarity, and diminishing relationships.

Results are in for the initial stages. Last year we had 66% participation. This year was over 90%! This is already a great demonstration of improved psychological safety and people feeling their voice is valued and that it's safe to speak up.

It was also identified that our leaders needed support and development. Aurizon mandated 2-day workshops, followed by coaching pods over 8-12 weeks, for all frontline leaders. The workshops focus on building trust, enabling courageous conversations, adapting to different situations and personalities, and what not to say. The coaching pods require leaders to take those skills and apply them in real life environments. These have been pivotal in many of the challenging and uncomfortable conversations I have had during my time in leadership.

  • Setting team rituals.
  • 1:1 wellbeing framework to address team and personal growth.
  • Reset BU expectations across teams to improve clarity and purpose.
  • The importance of language.
  • How to build healthy foundations in the team.
  • Safe environments so that people can speak up, learn, and share.
  • Framing conversations to enable curiosity, not finger pointing.
  • Tools to identify how people are feeling.
  • Collaborating with your team to address challenges and support them.
  • How, why, and when to provide feedback.

Health and Well-being of the Maintenance Workforce

Mental Health and Well-Being

Improving EDI Practices and the Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion

Marissa Cowcher
Marissa Cowcher

District Planning Superintendent


Psychological Safety to Build Trust and Influence Cultural Change
People are at the Heart of Improving Safe Delivery of Major Maintenance in Shutdowns

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At the heart of the Primary Crusher Maintenance Optimization project are the people who maintain our assets and their safety. What started as a maintenance frames project, naturally became a holistic approach to safe performance of crusher maintenance in shutdowns.  

Delivering a suite of maintenance aids, innovative solutions, and structured rebuild methodologies, this Asset Management Operational Readiness project at Rio Tinto’s Guidai-Darri Iron Ore Mine embodies Rio Tinto’s core values of Care, Courage, and Curiosity. Driving innovation and continuous improvement in frontline shutdown management resonates with our company's purpose: Finding better ways to provide the materials the world needs.

  • Aids to reduce safety risks and improve work efficiency.
  • Dedicated maintenance area and maintenance strategy using SPMT's to deliver ratable components.
  • Detailed contingency plans that were utilized when the dedicated fixed tower crane failed.
  • Involvement of frontline management of all work to enable continuity between engineering, operations, and maintenance teams.
  • Replicating learnings from across industry during operational readiness is critical for setting teams up for success.
  • Embracing asset ownership and assigning dedicated resources to critical shutdown tasks reduces overall asset risk and increases frontline safety.

Misalignment Between Asset Strategy and Company Strategy

Asset Strategy Alignment

Inadequate Alignment of Safety, Risk management, and Asset Maintenance Plans.

Inadequate Alignment of Safety

Nyssa MacManus
Nyssa MacManus

CLB Maintenance Superintendent

Rio Tinto

People are at the Heart of Improving Safe Delivery of Major Maintenance in Shutdowns
Elevating Mental Health with Innovative Workwear

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In this inspirational keynote session, Dan Allen and Ed Ross, Co-founders of TradeMutt and TIACS, will tell their story on why they hung up the nail bag and went about shaking up the workwear industry.

You’ll hear how a very personal event inspired this duo to change the culture when it comes to the issue of mental health conversations within a community traditionally adverse to such discussions. Learn how Australia's biggest Social Impact workwear company has reframed the conversation around mental health to a more accessible, fun, and optimistic one.

You’ll hear about their amazing journey as they took necessary traditional safety garments and redesigned them to provoke discussions on mental health.

They’ll discuss how this formed the creation of a free and ongoing counselling service aimed at guiding those struggling with mental health via text and call. Their journey has enabled TIACS to successfully help thousands of tradies, truckies, rural and blue-collar workers.


Health and Well-being of the Maintenance Workforce

Mental Health and Well-Being

Developing the Maintenance Workforce of the Future

Workforce of the Future

Dan Allen
Dan Allen



Ed Ross
Ed Ross



Elevating Mental Health with Innovative Workwear
Let Reliability Engineers do Some Reliability Engineering

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It is all too common that companies fortunate enough to have Reliability Engineers haven’t engaged them properly. It has become acceptable practice to misuse skills and talent and even labels. Instead, we create high priced part-finders, over-qualified maintenance supervisors, and number crunchers churning out metrics no one really cares about. It is time we start putting reliability back into Reliability Engineer. A Certified Professional Reliability Engineer understands the math involved and can compel organizations to follow a path forward.

In this masterclass, you’ll gain ammunition needed to make a compelling case to finally let Reliability Engineers do some reliability engineering.

  • The science of failures.
  • The appreciation for inherent reliability.
  • The mathematical relationship between Reliability, Availability, & Maintainability.
  • A reliability culture that is hell-bent on making data driven decisions.
  • Constructing an effect Asset Reference Plan.
  • Compel others to see the vision.
  • The confidence to make a fiscal argument for greater reliability efforts.

John is a best-selling author and the creator of the Certified Professional Reliability Engineer certification program. He has more than three decades of Maintenance and Reliability experience. He is a former Captain in the United States Air Force, a commander of the F-111F Field Training Detachment, and a Gulf War veteran. He is also a college professor at North Carolina State University’s Maintenance and Reliability Management (MRM).


Undervaluing the Critical Role of Reliability Engineering

Lack of Appreciation

Decreasing Quality and Integrity in Work Management Fundamentals

Work Management Fundamentals

Dr John Ross
Dr John Ross


Maintenance Innovators (US)

Let Reliability Engineers do Some Reliability Engineering
Proactive and Precision Maintenance with a Focus on FLAB

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Execution is where the rubber meets the road as we strive to improve the performance of our physical assets. The transition from reactive to proactive and precision maintenance is crucial for enhancing equipment reliability and performance.

This session explores Proactive and Precision Maintenance, emphasizing Fasteners, Lubrication, Alignment, and Balance (FLAB). By focusing on these key areas, you can reduce downtime, extend machinery life, ensure operational efficiency, and improve the safety and sustainability of physical assets.

  • The Business Case for Proactive and Precision Maintenance
  • Fasteners - proper techniques for threaded and welded fasteners, belt tensioning, and Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR).
  • Lubrication - lubricant selection, application methods, and contamination and condition control.
  • Alignment - mechanical alignment techniques and managing electrical power quality and harmonics.
  • Balance - dynamic and static mechanical balancing of machinery and phase-to-phase electrical balance.
  • Inspections and Condition Monitoring – the feedback loop to ensure that all FLAB management practices are under control and achieve set targets.
  • Executing Proactive and Precision Maintenance

These are first principles for managing the reliability of physical assets. Failure to get these basics places all other investments to improve asset performance at risk.


Decreasing Quality and Integrity in Work Management Fundamentals

Work Management Fundamentals

Undervaluing the Critical Role of Reliability Engineering

Lack of Appreciation

Drew Troyer
Drew Troyer

Group Head of Asset Management

Rio Tinto

Proactive and Precision Maintenance with a Focus on FLAB
Building Tomorrow’s Maintenance Leaders: The Power of People and Competencies

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The current landscape demands that Maintenance and Reliability leaders possess a unique blend of technical, analytical, and interpersonal skills. This panel discussion will highlight the critical role of people and competencies in shaping effective M&R leadership. By focusing on the development and integration of these competencies, M&R leaders can drive operational excellence, enhance safety, and ensure sustainable practices within their organizations.

Operational Efficiency Through Competence - implementing effective maintenance strategies such as preventive, predictive, and corrective maintenance. This session will explore how advanced technical skills and data-driven decision-making improve maintenance processes and operational efficiency.

Leadership and Team Development – our people are at the heart of maintenance and reliability success. How can excel in building and leading high-performing teams, build strong communication, conflict resolution, and mentoring skills. This session will delve into strategies for developing these crucial leadership skills. People and competencies are the cornerstone of effective Maintenance and Reliability leadership. By developing a comprehensive skill set and fostering a strong team culture, to significantly enhance operational efficiency, safety, and sustainability.

This panel will provide insights from industry experts on how to cultivate these competencies, offering practical advice and best practices for current and aspiring leaders. Join this discussion highlighting the critical importance of people and competencies in the maintenance and reliability field and learn how to lead your team to success in an ever-evolving industrial environment.


Developing the Maintenance Workforce of the Future

Workforce of the Future

Closing the Current Capability and Skills Gap

Workforce Skills Gap

Kass Nofz
Kass Nofz

GM Asset & Materials Management


 Manuel Cifuentes
Manuel Cifuentes

Head of Maintenance Strategy Governance


Drew Troyer
Drew Troyer

Group Head of Asset Management

Rio Tinto

Panel Discussion
Building Tomorrow’s Maintenance Leaders: The Power of People and Competencies
Open Access Tools and Datasets for AI Enabled Processing of Maintenance Texts

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The UWA NLP-TLP group has had over $1.8M of funding since 2018 to develop tools and processes to “Transform Maintenance through Data Science”. By collaborating with over 20 national and international organisations we have developed and released 11 open-source language processing software and web tools and the largest maintenance dataset for fine-tuning AI models.

This talk describes these tools, what value they add for reliability engineers and planners, and how organisations are using them.

These tools establish a basis to enable processing and exchange of maintenance data within and between organisations. Continuing to process maintenance texts and procedures manually is no longer acceptable from productivity or quality control perspectives now we have viable and open AI-enabled alternatives.


Asset Data Management and Utilisation

Managing Data Collection

Professor Melinda Hodkiewicz
Professor Melinda Hodkiewicz

School of Engineering

University of Western Australia

Open Access Tools and Datasets for AI Enabled Processing of Maintenance Texts
Optimising Maintenance with Dynamic Equipment Criticality Analysis (ECA): A Data-Driven Approach

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Prioritising maintenance work is crucial in an environment where resources, time, and budget are limited. We must continuously adapt our approach to the ever-changing operational landscape to answer critical questions such as:

  • Which assets are the most critical to our operations?
  • Which lower-criticality equipment can have their maintenance deferred or moved to run-to-failure (RTF) strategies without increasing risk?
  • How does the failure of a single piece of equipment impact the overall system?

At Woodside, the traditional A/B/C equipment classification system proved insufficient for managing the risk of failure across our global fleet of over half a million assets. This method lacked the precision to prioritize truly critical equipment and assess potential risks to both people and the plant.

The Solution:
I was part of a team that developed and implemented a dynamic, data-driven Equipment Criticality Analysis (ECA) program. This new approach evaluates equipment based on 14 key parameters, assigning a score out of 100 to quantify its criticality. What sets this ECA apart is its live, dynamic nature—integrating with real-time data sources to automatically adjust criticality scores as operational conditions change. For example, if a piece of redundant equipment fails, the criticality of its backup automatically increases.

Key Achievements:

  • Successfully conducted ECA on over 200,000 pieces of equipment.
  • Transitioned from static to dynamic ECA, ensuring criticality scores remain relevant in real-time.
  • Leveraged ECA to reduce overall maintenance hours while maintaining operational safety.
  • Currently exploring ways to further integrate ECA into maintenance planning to optimise resource allocation.

Asset Data Management and Utilisation

Managing Data Collection

Undervaluing the Critical Role of Reliability Engineering

Lack of Appreciation

Shereya Parashar
Shereya Parashar

Reliability SME

Woodside Energy

Optimising Maintenance with Dynamic Equipment Criticality Analysis (ECA): A Data-Driven Approach
Making Maintenance Work Management Less Work

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To effectively transfer the knowledge and skills necessary for organisations to build profitable and sustainable maintenance and reliability programs, we need to understand 'what needs to be done' and 'why it needs to be done.'

  • If it's best practice, then why isn't it our standard practice?
  • How to make good work management happen.
  • Creating a maintenance philosophy.
  • The 10 major work management processes.
  • Getting away from buy-in and getting to work.
  • Measuring for success.

John is a best-selling author and the creator of the Certified Professional Reliability Engineer certification program. He has more than three decades of Maintenance and Reliability experience. He is a former Captain in the United States Air Force, a commander of the F-111F Field Training Detachment, and a Gulf War veteran. He is also a college professor at North Carolina State University’s Maintenance and Reliability Management (MRM).


Decreasing Quality and Integrity in Work Management Fundamentals

Work Management Fundamentals

Closing the Current Capability and Skills Gap

Workforce Skills Gap

Dr John Ross
Dr John Ross


Maintenance Innovators (US)

Making Maintenance Work Management Less Work
Smart Factories, Smarter Solutions: Merging Old Assets with Industry 4.0 Innovation

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Within Bentley, we have seen a significant 2.5 Billion Euro investment in future mobility and a Dream Factory to deliver it. However, within our current manufacturing vision remain a sizable number of 'Dumb' unconnected, primitive technologies and assets which will remain at the heart of our future product deliveries.

With our new, multimillion pound factory assets coming online, how we do ensure we are able to obtain the live data and status to enable us to manage the whole manufacturing process end to end?

Realistically, the only answer was either to replace a third of all our machinery and assets - or to develop, using Industry 4.0 sensor solutions, a cloud based and wireless I/O delivery. The system must allow us to self deploy using our in house skill set, in a cost effective manner and collect data points that can be directly inputted into our future factory MES and SCADA solutions. One the data is collected - it allows us to develop dashboards and create Condition Based Monitoring outputs and Live status feedback and to generate Predictability Algorithms with Cloud based providers, such as AWS and Snowflake.

The solution would be Quick to install, Adaptable and can be modified when needed and Cost effective.


Asset Data Management and Utilisation

Managing Data Collection

Developing the Maintenance Workforce of the Future

Workforce of the Future

Jonathan Peedell
Jonathan Peedell

Head of Maintenance

Bentley Motors (UK)

Smart Factories, Smarter Solutions: Merging Old Assets with Industry 4.0 Innovation
Wrenches To Reliability: A Journey Of Neurodivergence In The Workplace

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For 19 years, I worked as a diesel mechanic but always felt stuck. Despite my leadership skills and ability to think outside the box, I kept getting overlooked. At 35, I was diagnosed with ADHD it explained so much. But medication wasn’t the magic fix I expected, I realized I had to work differently as a neurodivergent person.

A friend pushed me out of the workshop into asset health, which led to a game-changing secondment in risk and assurance. Suddenly, I was supported and trusted. Attending the Mainstream Conference confirmed it. I wanted to be a reliability engineer. Now, I’ve found my place and I love it!


Health and Well-being of the Maintenance Workforce

Mental Health and Well-Being

Improving EDI Practices and the Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion

Rowan Watt
Rowan Watt

Reliability Engineer

Rio Tinto

Wrenches To Reliability: A Journey Of Neurodivergence In The Workplace
Getting Back to Basics – Maintenance Practices that Deliver World Class Results

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This session is based on a real case study I completed 25 years ago. I was reminded of this as I attended Drew Troyers recent workshop in August, as his paper described the experience I had when I did the case study all those years ago. It reinforced for me that a back-to-basics approach is sometimes the best solution.

  • Describing the process used to identify/develop areas for improvement. Failure data from previous four years was reviewed years with simple failure types created for failures.
  • Why Pareto charts was developed identifying the failure types that provided the greatest opportunity for improvement.
  • How failures were assessed against current Preventative Maintenance (PM) and Condition Monitoring (CM) tasks for effectiveness.
  • Along with changes to PM/CM programmes a focus was placed on improving maintenance and repair quality focussing on precision or back to basics standards which included:
    • Precision alignment
    • Precision balance
    • Lubrication best practices
  • The results were significant and demonstrated ongoing avoided costs due to a significant reduction in unplanned failures.

Decreasing Quality and Integrity in Work Management Fundamentals

Work Management Fundamentals

Inadequate Alignment of Safety, Risk Management, and Asset Maintenance Plans

Inadequate Risk Management

Brian Ropitini
Brian Ropitini

Managing Director and Executive Advisor

Mana Consulting NZ

Getting Back to Basics – Maintenance Practices that Deliver World Class Results
The Journey from Apprentice to Asset Management (How did I get here?)

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When I started as an apprentice I could not have imagined where my career path would take me. Progressing through the trade ranks I made the move into the world of Work Planning. What a different world that was starting as the sole Planner then building a team all against the backdrop of utilities privatisation. However during this time I branched out into work management systems implementations, contracting bids and developing maintenance plans and standards. These extracurricular activities created a natural progression for me into Asset Management. As for the future its looking bright on the road to renewable energy.


Closing the Current Capability and Skills Gap

Workforce Skills Gap

Decreasing Quality and Integrity in Work Management Fundamentals

Work Management Fundamentals

Anthony Cook
Anthony Cook

Asset Management Strategist


The Journey from Apprentice to Asset Management (How did I get here?)
Confronting Asset and Equipment Data Challenges Head On

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Maintenance and reliability professionals are increasingly turning to data-driven approaches to enhance operational efficiency and asset longevity. This panel discussion delves into the two paramount challenges we're facing as we navigate the complexities of data utilization: data quality and integration, and the skill gap in data analytics.

Ensuring data quality and seamless integration still poses a significant hurdle. Maintenance and reliability operations generate vast amounts of data from diverse sources, including sensors, equipment logs, and maintenance records. However, inconsistencies, inaccuracies, and fragmentation in data can undermine decision-making processes. The panel will explore strategies for improving data quality, standardizing data formats, and integrating disparate data sources to create a cohesive and reliable data ecosystem.

The skills gap in data analytics also remains a critical issue. While advanced data analytics tools and techniques offer tremendous potential, the lack of personnel with the requisite expertise to leverage these tools effectively hinders progress. This discussion will address the need for upskilling existing staff, attracting new talent with data science proficiency, and fostering a culture of continuous learning within maintenance and reliability teams.

Join us as industry leaders share insights, experiences, and practical solutions to these pressing challenges, paving the way for a more data-savvy and resilient future in maintenance and reliability.


Asset Data Management and Utilisation

Managing Data Collection

Misalignment Between Asset Strategy and Company Strategy

Asset Strategy Alignment

Shereya Parashar
Shereya Parashar

Reliability SME

Woodside Energy

David Kelly
David Kelly

Manager QE Business Technology and eEnablement


Danielle White
Danielle White

Manager Performance and Data Analytics


Panel Discussion
Confronting Asset and Equipment Data Challenges Head On
Advancing DEI in Maintenance & Reliability Teams

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There is an acceptance that DEI is a crucial issue for the future success of their organisation. But many significant questions remain in how to practically make this a reality. How can we attract and retain a diverse workforce in maintenance and reliability? What role can maintenance and reliability teams play in promoting DEI throughout the organisation? How can we create a culture of inclusion where all employees feel valued and respected?


Improving EDI Practices and the Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion

Developing the Maintenance Workforce of the Future

Workforce of the Future

Matthew Brierley
Matthew Brierley

Manager - Health, Safety and Risk

Newmont Australia

Advancing DEI in Maintenance & Reliability Teams
Tools for Your Maintenance and Reliability Teams’ Most Valuable Resource – Their Brain!

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The brain works smarter when rested. It gives other brain regions the chance to connect for learning and memory. It is the most important (but the most neglected) organ. It controls and coordinates our actions and reactions. It allows us to think and get things done.

Yet, brain fog, cognitive overload and loss of energy is happening everywhere. Employees can't switch off and aren't coping with the constant onslaught of information. Mental health is impaired with fatigue, depression, stress and anxiety increasing; while memory decreases.

The good news: you can do something about it. Introducing a low-tech intervention called 'Brain Breaks'. Learn to create opportunities to unplug and pause; for better brain functioning, clarity and performance.

Key takeaways include;

  • Preparing your brain for information overload and over-stimulation
  • Ideas on implementing simple ‘Brain Breaks’ into work environments
  • Powerful insights about remaining balanced (equanimous) amid life’s ups and downs
  • Experiential learning (5mins) to train stability, focus & to relax + be alert at the same time

Health and Well-being of the Maintenance Workforce

Mental Health and Well-Being

Tomas Jajesnica
Tomas Jajesnica

Chief Meditation Officer

Mr Meditate

Tools for Your Maintenance and Reliability Teams’ Most Valuable Resource – Their Brain!
ChatGPT and Maintenance

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There is no doubt that the future is here with us and applications like ChatGPT are just a tip of the iceberg. Will we still need Maintenance SMEs or Advisors to tell us how to troubleshoot or direct us on possible causes and resolution? Or will the machines take over and do it better than us?


Asset Data Management and Utilisation

Managing Data Collection

Developing the Maintenance Workforce of the Future

Workforce of the Future

Professor Melinda Hodkiewicz
Professor Melinda Hodkiewicz

School of Engineering

University of Western Australia

ChatGPT and Maintenance
Asset Management in Dollars & $ense: Create Value and Competitive Advantage

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Creating value in the mining industry comes down to three factors –market conditions, geological quality, and the performance of physical assets. As is the case with most commodities, management has little control over the market. We trust that the geology is good, otherwise, we wouldn’t be mining the area. The performance of the physical assets is the one dimension over which management wields a great deal of control.

Asset management is often viewed as synonymous with maintenance – generally considered a cost centre.

In this workshop, we intend to change your perspective. Managing the performance of the assets must be viewed through a different lens – as a value centre.

We begin with an overview of the four primary value and loss/risk drivers:

  • How upper quartile asset management practices drive EBIT/EBITDA.
  • The potentially disastrous effects of asset management gone awry.
  • How asset management increases safety performance.
  • Asset management and your energy and carbon footprint.

We’ll conduct an interactive workshop to address how asset management drives EBIT/EBITDA, a lean balance sheet, and ultimately, RONA/ROCE – the true value of a company. Then we’ll set our sights more strategically and discuss how asset management can differentiate you in the market and create a competitive advantage.


Misalignment Between Asset Strategy and Company Strategy

Asset Strategy Alignment

Securing C-Suite Support and Budget for Asset Management Initiatives

Drew Troyer
Drew Troyer

Group Head of Asset Management

Rio Tinto

Asset Management in Dollars & $ense: Create Value and Competitive Advantage
The SAMP Blueprint: Build and Execute Your Asset Management Strategy

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This six-hour dive into Asset Management, specifically the Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) is designed to be a fun and informative look at what it takes to establish a successful and forward-thinking strategy towards all vital equipment and, as importantly, get the necessary and needed stakeholders to be fired up about it. With their newly found passion and energy, stakeholders are more likely to stay within the ‘lines’ of the plan, contribute to its execution, measure the effectiveness of the SAMP and suggest ideas to make improvements as time goes by. Generating ideas is seldom ever an organization’s problem. Consistently executing the plan, year in and year out, is another issue altogether.

Participants in this workshop will gain practical and ready-to-use knowledge through six specific learning objectives:

  • Design, Build, and Install for the highest level of inherent reliability
  • Translating organizational objectives into Strategic Asset Management Plans (also referred to as: Asset Reference Plan)
  • The value of knowing an asset’s Life Cycle and Life Cycle Cost
  • Establishing the necessary ‘control activities,’ or the stuff we actually do (Preventive, Predictive maintenance)
  • Determining spare part requirements
  • Auditing the SAMP
  • Evaluating performance
  • Continuous Improvement

ISO 55000 states that the SAMP ‘shall’ be in alignment with the organizational objectives. There isn’t a lot of wiggle room to get out from under a ‘shall’ directive. Unfortunately, high-level organizational objectives are often written in corporate ‘speak’ and are hard to translate into exact maintenance activities. This workshop offers a crash course in translating abilities.

An asset’s location on its Life Cycle helps to determine if the equipment has enough value left to be of value to the company. Clearly, some assets have left companies feeling ‘nickel and dimed to death.’ Attendees will understand how to estimate Life Cycle Cost and value. The control activities are the actual maintenance actions taken by all maintenance organizations. In the scheme of things, a maintenance department has a finite number of activity types to bring to bear. This workshop will discuss each of them.

The workshop will conclude with an engaging discussion on the general review and audit practices around measuring the application of the plan and the measurements of its intended effects. From those effects, an organization will take action to either leverage positive outcomes or compensate with improvement actions for negative results. This is continuous improvement.

This workshop encapsulates almost the entirety of Asset Management, choosing to focus on the line from organizational objectives to continuous improvement by focusing on the Strategic Asset Management Plan.


Misalignment Between Asset Strategy and Company Strategy

Asset Strategy Alignment

Poor Execution of Strategic Asset Management Plans

Dr John Ross
Dr John Ross


Maintenance Innovators (US)

The SAMP Blueprint: Build and Execute Your Asset Management Strategy
XCHANGE: Tools for Your Maintenance and Reliability Teams’ Most Valuable Resource - Their Brain!

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There’s a growing need to ‘switch-off’. Why? Because our brains cannot handle this constant onslaught of stimulation.  

More information is coming at us than ever before and it’s reducing our memory, learning and attention spans. This session explores positive, practical and achievable techniques which enhance workplace cultures and impact busy lives.  Walk out feeling better; equipped with an evidence-based pathway of making 1% improvements to enhance performance and wellbeing.


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XCHANGE: Tools for Your Maintenance and Reliability Teams’ Most Valuable Resource - Their Brain!
XCHANGE: We’re Drowning in Data

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If it’s agreed that assets are important for the business and that data is important for the business to optimise these assets, then it follows that capturing, storing, and making data-led decisions should be of equal importance. However, organisations are now generating enormous amounts of data from their plants and assets, and we are drowning.


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XCHANGE: We’re Drowning in Data
XCHANGE: Taking Operational Readiness Seriously

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Good operational readiness models are often an after-thought. Most people, including leadership, are focused on business as usual. As a result, operational readiness budgets do not get enough attention and are often inaccurate. This makes selling the value of operational readiness difficult. For operational readiness projects to succeed this is not a good outcome. It is vital that there is strong link between business as usual and operational readiness. The change management required is also often overlooked. When change is taken seriously, the entire team can be aligned. This means scoping together, planning together, and executing together. This process is invaluable in instilling a culture that continues to take operational readiness seriously.


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XCHANGE: Taking Operational Readiness Seriously
XCHANGE: Delivering Value through Predictive Analytics Tools

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While the benefits of implementing innovative Predictive Analytics Tools and Software are incredibly attractive on the eye in the short and long term, organisations are struggling with actualising these potential benefits. The community talked of their challenges managing data quality and integration issues, scoping budget correctly and piloting projects to demonstrate value. Organisations are grappling to create a clear business case, hire or train the teams with the correct skillsets, and have the basic foundations in place to enable the digitised future.


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XCHANGE: Delivering Value through Predictive Analytics Tools
XCHANGE: Connecting Asset Management Decision Making to Performance Expectations

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There is often a disconnect between decisions made at senior levels of the organisation and ongoing performance expectations. We have all seen decisions to defer capital and major maintenance spend during times of austerity, yet management expect the same level of asset performance. It all leads to huge disappointment when the asset fails.  How can we work with management to ensure we can effectively play the long game, and good initiatives are not abandoned before full implementation because of the time taken to see results?


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XCHANGE: Connecting Asset Management Decision Making to Performance Expectations
XCHANGE: The Asset Manager’s Role in Achieving Net Zero Carbon Emissions

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When it comes environmental management, Asset Managers naturally drift to compliance and administrative headaches. However, if you peel away the compliance layers, there is a tremendous profit opportunity by reducing parasitic friction and fugitive emissions. This is where the physical asset manager can shine. In round figures, the industrial sector is responsible for 25% of all GHG emissions. These improvements also translate into improved bottom line, reduced asset wear and tear, extending asset life and reducing cost of ownership.


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XCHANGE: The Asset Manager’s Role in Achieving Net Zero Carbon Emissions
XCHANGE: Digital Transformation and the Role Reliability & Asset Engineers Play

Comma separated speakers , company will appear here when published

Reliability & Asset Engineers are integral to digital transformation. In this XCHANGE session we will focus on the role of reliability and asset engineers in driving digital transformation initiatives within their organizations. We’ll facilitate an exchange of ideas regarding the digital tools being utilised across different industries to enhance performance, efficiency, and reliability. Exploring digital initiatives such as AI, predictive maintenance, digital twins, and real-time monitoring being used by others. We’ll look to share success stories and outcomes from various organisations in their digital journey and the challenges being faced with digital transformation.


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XCHANGE: Digital Transformation and the Role Reliability & Asset Engineers Play
XCHANGE: Asset Performance Management

Comma separated speakers , company will appear here when published

What are the reasons companies have not realised the promises of an asset performance management implementation, and positioned Integrated APM as an evolution of traditional approaches which drives the connection between current disparate data sets and supports asset performance improvement at scale?


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XCHANGE: Asset Performance Management
XCHANGE: ChatGPT and Maintenance

Comma separated speakers , company will appear here when published

There is no doubt that the future is here with us and applications like ChatGPT are just a tip of the iceberg. Will we still need Maintenance SMEs or Advisors to tell us how to troubleshoot or direct us on possible causes and resolution? Or will the machines take over and do it better than us?


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XCHANGE: ChatGPT and Maintenance
XCHANGE: Managing Storerooms

Comma separated speakers , company will appear here when published

With the benefits of data analysis, inventory management improvements go hand in hand with maintenance efficiencies. The ease with which we can track things such as MRO part needs and availability, means that more manufacturers will be aware of the inefficiency of their current inventory practices. They will also be mindful of the benefits that they can gain from implementing at technology- and data-driven inventory plan. Benefits include accurate ordering and forecasting, easier location of spares, more control over storeroom management and faster, efficient maintenance.


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XCHANGE: Managing Storerooms
XCHANGE: Retaining Institutional Knowledge from an Ageing Workforce

Comma separated speakers , company will appear here when published

Many of our companies have institutional maintenance and reliability knowledge residing with an ageing workforce of engineers and trades.  Without appropriate information-sharing strategies there is significant business risk that the knowledge leaves with them. How are we managing knowledge retention, documentation, and transfer?


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XCHANGE: Retaining Institutional Knowledge from an Ageing Workforce
XCHANGE: Getting the Best out of Your Reliability Engineers

Comma separated speakers , company will appear here when published

The need for Reliability Engineering in High Reliability Organisations (HRO's) is clear: to avoid catastrophes in an environment where normal accidents can be expected due to risk factors and complexity. In other industries this need is less obvious, so business leaders are challenged with finding the correct level of investment in reliability and reliability engineers. How do we get the best out of our reliability engineers?


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XCHANGE: Getting the Best out of Your Reliability Engineers
XCHANGE: Why is Work Management so Hard?

Comma separated speakers , company will appear here when published

The Work Management process can often be confusing and inefficient. Many organisations have adopted systems to digitally capture the information required whereas people, effectively manage the process with the aid of systems that are correctly aligned. All that is really required to go about your work is to ensure that the right work is done the right way at the right time.


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XCHANGE: Why is Work Management so Hard?
XCHANGE: Prioritising Your Asset Management Digitisation Projects

Comma separated speakers , company will appear here when published

Large digitisation projects are all the rage. How do we prioritize these projects and investments in Asset Management? Is it digital twin, mobility, augmented reality, or predictive analytics? Where is the low hanging fruit? Which digital platforms are best?


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XCHANGE: Prioritising Your Asset Management Digitisation Projects
XCHANGE: Maintenance Workforce Health and Well-Being

Comma separated speakers , company will appear here when published

Companies reported that the issue is greater than it’s ever been and getting worse. Relentless organisational change, high job demand, pressure to perform, lack of empathy and understanding from leadership, and the imbalance between effort and reward. Poor mental health has a significant impact on an individual’s health, attendance, performance, engagement, and safety.


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XCHANGE: Maintenance Workforce Health and Well-Being
XCHANGE: Navigating Supply Chain Disruptions

Comma separated speakers , company will appear here when published

More than 75% of our community reported experiencing major supply chain disruption over the past 12 months. How is our community coping with a perfect storm right now. We are still feeling the impact of COVID. But add in the complexity of wars, climate change and cybersecurity threats are forcing us to implement creative solutions.


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XCHANGE: Navigating Supply Chain Disruptions
XCHANGE: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Comma separated speakers , company will appear here when published

There is an acceptance that DEI is a crucial issue for the future success of their organisation. But many significant questions remain in how to practically make this a reality. How can we attract and retain a diverse workforce in maintenance and reliability? What role can maintenance and reliability teams play in promoting DEI throughout the organisation? How can we create a culture of inclusion where all employees feel valued and respected?


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XCHANGE: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Unlocking Productivity: The Untapped Power of Maintenance Planning

Comma separated speakers , company will appear here when published

The MAINSTREAM 2025 research identifies a ‘Decreasing Quality and Integrity in Work Management Fundamentals” as one of the major obstacles to achieving Maintenance and Reliability Excellence.  A deterioration in the adherence to strong maintenance planning fundamentals is at the heart of this challenge.

Often overlooked, effective planning is a game-changer for organisations, optimising resource utilisation and enhancing team focus. This workshop is designed to link the vital role of maintenance planning to productivity increase.

Strong planning practices foster clarity, streamline task prioritisation, and improve risk management. You will discover a myriad of benefits in continuous improvement and effective communication as we highlight actionable steps to elevate maintenance planning. 

  • Key benefits of planning, and how they supercharge operations
  • Three essential stages of the planning process  
  • Best practices for value assessment
  • The consequences of poor planning on operations, emphasising the stakes involved

Peter commenced a dedicated maintenance career as an electrical fitter and technician. He worked his way up through the ranks in the Navy to hold senior engineering roles both at sea and then as GM of the Submarine Corporation. After the Navy, he transitioned to senior management roles in mining and resources. Peter has significant experience in work management and the behavioural aspects of sustainable organisational change with operators and maintainers.  He is passionate about unlocking productivity through strong maintenance planning.


Decreasing Quality and Integrity in Work Management Fundamentals

Work Management Fundamentals

Peter Durrant
Peter Durrant

Adjunct Principal - Education and Change Management


Unlocking Productivity: The Untapped Power of Maintenance Planning
Decarbonising your Assets: Opportunities for Maintenance & Reliability Success

Comma separated speakers , company will appear here when published

Let's face it - decarbonisation is shaking things up in Western Australia's industrial landscape. But guess what? It's not just about challenges - it's packed with opportunities for maintenance and reliability pros like us!

This panel will cut through the noise and get real about what this means for Maintenance and Reliability professionals. How are companies really adapting (some smoothly, others… not so much) and what it means for your day-to-day work and future career moves.

What's in it for you?

  • Get the inside scoop on which skills will be hot property in the low-carbon economy
  • Learn practical tips for adapting your maintenance strategies
  • Find out how some companies are actually saving money while going green
  • Network with others who are riding this decarbonisation wave
  • The good, the bad, and the ugly of new technologies
  • Career opportunities you might not have thought about
  • How to get ahead of the curve and position yourself as a green maintenance leader

No lectures - just straight talk, real experiences, and actionable insights. Bring your questions, challenges, and an open mind.


The Impact of Decarbonisation on the Asset Manager

Impact of Decarbonisation

Jeremy Campbell-Wray
Jeremy Campbell-Wray

Strategic Accounts and Enterprise Growth Market Director

Baker Hughes

Sinead Booth
Sinead Booth

Head of Decarbonisation Delivery


Panel Discussion
Decarbonising your Assets: Opportunities for Maintenance & Reliability Success
Asset Performance Management (APM): Unlocking Value, Realizing Potential, Navigating Reality

Comma separated speakers , company will appear here when published

This interactive panel discussion will explore the options, benefits and challenges of implementing APM in industries that place a high demand on their assets. With all industries facing rising operational costs, ongoing equipment downtime, and the need for greater sustainability, can APM offer the sort of transformative solutions through predictive maintenance, real-time monitoring, and data-driven decision-making that it promises?

This session will bring together broad industry expertise to discuss their experiences in implementing APM with a focus on improvements in measurable asset reliability, reduced unplanned downtime, and extended equipment life. The panel will also address the specific challenges of applying APM in harsh operating environments, integration with legacy systems, and the need for workforce training.

Through interactive dialogue and case studies, participants will gain practical insights into the effectiveness of APM, as well as how to leverage it for greater operational efficiency.


Misalignment Between Asset Strategy and Company Strategy

Asset Strategy Alignment

William Fry
William Fry

Regional Consulting Services Manager - APAC & MENATI

Baker Hughes

Panel Discussion
Asset Performance Management (APM): Unlocking Value, Realizing Potential, Navigating Reality
Asset Management: The March of Progress

Comma separated speakers , company will appear here when published

Over the past eight decades, they way in which industry and government manages its infrastructure and equipment has evolved from a focus on repairing failed assets to managing the whole of the life of the asset to achieve business goals. There have been four key transitions towards:

  • Planning, scheduling, and controlling work
  • Predicting potential asset failure
  • Improving reliability and eliminating defects
  • Aligning capital employed to business goals

Each time, leaders have looked to the maintenance team to take carriage of the new way of doing these things. The progress has been natural, the delivery of ownership organic, and not necessarily wrong. The issue is that:

  • Maintenance is a process driven activity
  • Reliability is the characteristic of a process or system
  • Asset Management is a business system

So, while executives naturally associated reliability and asset management with the maintenance manager because of the common denominator of infrastructure and equipment, they didn’t appreciate that each field required different skillsets and knowledge.

Fortunately, maintenance teams are pragmatic, versatile and solution oriented. With this presentation, I hope to help you articulate the Asset Management challenge to your business and suggest practical ways to benefit from the progress.


Decreasing Quality and Integrity in Work Management Fundamentals

Work Management Fundamentals

Poor Execution of Strategic Asset Management Plans

Mike Greyling
Mike Greyling

Independent Thought Leader

Asset Management: The March of Progress
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Session Title

20 March 2024

Esplanade Fremantle, Perth

See you there!