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March 20, 2024

Scratching Below the Surface – Panel Session

Panel Discussion
Asset Stage

Health and Wellbeing is very much front and centre for maintenance and reliability leaders. Creating mentally healthy workplaces is a necessity for employee productivity, satisfaction, and organisational success.

FIFO teams are a huge part of the regions workforce and bring very specific and difficult challenges. This engaging conversation will explore the strategies and practices that leaders are using to build workplaces that support and empower employee well-being, engagement, and productivity. How do we manage the growing concerns regarding the mental health and well-being of our workforce and the FIFO team. During this session we will focus on the projects bringing results.

In this session we will:

  • Learn how organisations can use technology effectively
  • Hear about the key tactics we can employ to communicate with traditionally hard to engage workers
  • Examine the key support services in a hybrid/online environment to bring about benefits
  • Look at the changing psychosocial risk landscape – regulation and compliance “ fit for purpose solutions”
  • Focus on the key risks to the MHW of remote and FIFO workers eg. shift impacts, fatigue, isolation
  • Examine why we include contemporary job design principles into the FIFO context


Lachie Samuel
Lachie Samuel

The FIFO Mental Health Guy

FIFO Mental Health Group

Sandra Lam
Sandra Lam

Managing Director and Organisational Psychologist

FIFO Focus

Simon Brown-Greaves
Simon Brown-Greaves

Chief Mental Health Officer

Australia Post

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Anglo American

Haul Truck Availability Improvement

20 March 2024

Esplanade Fremantle, Perth

See you there!