Safety policies, rules, systems, procedures, training are all developed with the best intention – to improve overall safety performance and ensure people get to go homes safely every day.
As an executive leader of a multiple major hazard facilities both in New Zealand and Canada, I learned from personal experience how hard it can be to ensure that the culture you desire is the one that is the reality that the workers live in on a daily basis.
Over my career I learnt that people may comply but not engage fully and while we may have systems and processes for every event we could imagine, this alone does not drive a healthy culture beyond compliance.
High Trust in the workplace is mission critical to make genuine progress. Even the best intended leaders can find themselves behaving/communicating in a way that is misaligned with the culture they desire.
Leaders’ behaviours will determine the overall safety culture that will prevail and will in fact become the reality that people experience daily. This workshop is intended to help equip leaders in some simple Dos and “Don’ts” when it comes to creating a desirable safety culture for your workplace.
Participants will take away ideas and tools to:
The ability to accumulate data has increased over recent years due to advances in digital technology, improved monitoring capability and ever-expanding fields within Asset Management systems and data bases.
Often data is collected from multiple sources and varying management systems. Some is automated production and process information; some is entered manually, and other information is updated based on activity. While all information retrieved can be justified, often much of it is never referred to.
The challenge is to ensure that the important information is readily available to the right people, and this will vary across the different layers and functions within any business. Technical subject matter experts will be interested in details of operations while senior managers are interested in high level information. Procurement people are interested in stock movements, Asset Technicians are interested in failure rates, Operators are interested in day-to-day production performance, and Accountants are interested in financial performance.
A fitter and turner by trade, Brian is a Senior Manager with over 35 years’ experience in the Petrochemical industry. He was the Director of Manufacturing and executive sponsor of Global Maintenance Management Team Sponsor for Methanex, the world’s largest producer of Methanol.