Alignment between asset and engineering management is crucial for successfully developing, operating, and maintaining infrastructure assets. These two area shave different but complementary roles in ensuring that assets are designed, constructed, and operated effectively and efficiently. We identify significant process gaps due to completing project priorities vs maintenance, which leads to a high level of network disruption and risk to asset operation.
Project delivery with asset management issues can lead to entry into service delays, operational challenges, increased costs, and potential risks. Common problems include incomplete asset information, poor integration between project and asset teams, inadequate documentation and handover, poor system assurance, budget constraints, insufficient training, project delays.
To protect the above challenges, a proactive, standardised, and integrated engineering management plan with clear safety critical milestones includes all deliverables of asset readiness as per the best practices of asset management and the obligation of Railway National Safety Law (RNSL 2015).
PTA has an engineering management strategy (EMS) defining the PTA asset life cycle model, including EM4P – Engineering Management for Projects and EM4M – Engineering Management for Maintenance as an engineering governance & assurance process for PTA for delivering safe, reliable, predicted assets life cycle. EM4Pis driving the Metronet project engineering assurance activities and provides authorities with enough confidence to make the right informed decisions for asset readiness and start revenue services.
In this session we will focus on;