August 7, 2024
As Defence launches into its SAP implementation journey, we’ve had to transform how we think about, and manage data. The legacy data landscape has grown organically, resulting in a complicated ecosystem where the source of truth hard is to determine, and data sharing is difficult.
Realising the full potential of this mammoth transformation required an uplift in processes, technology, and most importantly – people. Cultivating a data mindset has been a challenge. Adam will share lessons learnt and challenges faced in understanding how to apply a consistent model that also provides enough flexibility to meet user's specific needs, and gains business buy-in.
Poor Asset Data that Compromises Decision-Making
Director – ERP Data Governance and Lifecycle
Department of Defence
Dr John Ross
Maintenance Innovators (US)
Sinead Booth
Jeremy Campbell-Wray
Baker Hughes
Drew Troyer
Anglo American
Jane Wardlaw
Clean Energy Regulator