

August 8, 2024

PANEL DISCUSSION: Why we Should Pursue High Trust Work Environments

Panel Discussion
Reliability Stage
Day 02

High Trust leads to:

Higher levels of productivity – extending high trust to employees typically leads them to feel empowered make decisions and allowing them to work more effectively.  Decisions can be made quicker.

Enhanced Safety Culture – in a high trust environment employees feel safe raising concerns, admitting mistakes, providing full disclosure and transparency when things go wrong leading to better learning outcomes.

Higher employee engagement and retention – people in high trust environments tend to feel valued and respected for their contribution, regardless of their level/role within the organisation, leading to increased loyalty and commitment to company success.

Innovation and collaboration – in high trust environments people are not inclined to want to protect their patch or withhold ideas/information, ideas flow freely because it is not a competition within the organisation.  There are no hidden agendas.  

  • What does a high trust working environment look like?
  • What are the benefits of high trust to an organisation?
  • What erodes trust in an organisation?
  • Even though generally well-intended how do leaders influence levels of trust within an organisation?
  • What is critical for high trust?

Declining Mental Health and Well-being of the Maintenance Workforce


Brian Ropitini
Brian Ropitini

Managing Director

Mana Consulting NZ

Sarah Hannah
Sarah Hannah

EGM Group Operations


Marissa Cowcher
Marissa Cowcher

District Planning Superintendent


Ty Christopher
Ty Christopher

Director Energy Futures Network

University of Wollongong

Other Sessions

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Arcadis (UK)

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Baker Hughes

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Simon Brown-Greaves

Australia Post

Implementing a Practical Mental Health Workforce Strategy

7–8 August 2024

Crown Promenade, Melbourne

See you there!