

August 7, 2024

The Journey from Apprentice to Asset Management (How did I get here?)

Root Cause Stage

When I started as an apprentice I could not have imagined where my career path would take me. Progressing through the trade ranks I made the move into the world of Work Planning. What a different world that was starting as the sole Planner then building a team all against the backdrop of utilities privatisation. However, during this time I branched out into work management systems implementations, contracting bids and developing maintenance plans and standards. These extracurricular activities created a natural progression for me into Asset Management. As for the future, it's looking bright on the road to renewable energy.

Key takeaways:

  • Why you need Mentors and Coaches in your career.
  • Successes & Fails (Learning lessons the really hard way)
  • The impacts of stress and the importance of wellbeing.

Developing the Maintenance Workforce of the Future


Anthony Cook
Anthony Cook

Asset Management Strategist


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Anglo American

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Lexin Solutions

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Tomas Jajesnica

Mr Meditate

Maintaining Your Team’s Most Precious Asset – Their Brain

7–8 August 2024

Crown Promenade, Melbourne

See you there!